Meeting with LUCY COX
Friday October 30th 201510am
I had a meeting with Lucy Cox, Senior Careers Advisor at UWE. I was and am concerned about my direction for the 'Developing Practice' Module and wanted her professional opinion. I have been looking at:
Project Based Opportunities
Interpretation Roles
Workshop Facilitation
Volunteering - Healthcare, Education
All of the above have the potential to be researched and explored within my existing role as teacher and artist. However, as my current projection and print work is progressing I feel that the 'educator' aspect may now not be applicable.
However, below is the result of the meeting we had on Friday 30th October where we discussed where I am now and where I may choose to end up next term with a series of relevant contacts (linking to my current role) to email if appropriate in the future.
Lucy was extremely helpful, supportive and encouraging and with this in mind assuaged some of my anxiety about this section of the MA print course.
Hi Clare,
It was good to talk to you yesterday.
We discussed some ideas for your professional practice module for your MA Print course.
You said you are interested in working in workshop facilitation – for arts based practice. Drawing and painting type activities – but potentially incorporating simple print techniques too.
You are a secondary school teacher with good experience teaching to large groups and working with a wide variety of people .
You have a particular eagerness to work with disadvantaged groups or those who really need or deserve the experience of creative activities.
You are interested in volunteering to build experience and contacts in this area. You are keen to know what internal support is available for you in this area.
Below are the suggested contacts that we discussed.
Feel free to contact me to follow up on any of these strands once you have made contact with them.
Best wishes,
UWE Volunteering
Contact Sally Greenwood or Jenny Idle within the UWE Volunteers team to ask if they still have any room for an experienced facilitator on their Creative Club. Also highlight your main interests and see if there are any new workshops they could forge for you, with Charities of groups
UWE Enterprise
Book an appointment or email the team to ask for advice on how to start a venture for an arts based practitioner who wants to deliver workshops or training to groups – perhaps Staff development days, school groups, disadvantaged groups... They are running a drop in session on Thursday 29th October in the large open space between the Canteen and SU bar. You could talk to one of their advisers there.
North Bristol Health Trust
Contact Ruth Sidgwick – contact Ruth and explain your desire for working in Arts facilitation. Feel free to say I shared her details with you.
She may run some arts workshops with patients/staff that you coudl deliver – start the discussion.
Art + Power
Art + Power is a charitable registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit ...
Centre Gate, Colston Avenue, Avon, Bristol BS1 4TR, United Kingdom
+44 117 317 8099