27th October 2015
I am a piece of meat - we are all lumps of meat. God forbid I am those 2 rashers of bacon or a single sausage! My childhood mealtimes and illicit sarnies make the man (or woman in my case) ... Bowel cancer here I come. Digression complete, perhaps picture yourself sandwiched between transparent plastic sheets which compress your flesh and suffocate, packaged and processed like a chicken.

Take a look at 'Shrink' the work of Belgian artist Lawrence Malstaf.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LrkjOpe16TM, perhaps you could be immortalised in metal - the work of the Korean artist and sculptor Seung MO Park illustrates this: http://www.seungmopark.com
Or perhaps you become smothered in fabric, breathing it in, so the textile becomes as a second skin; the curves and structure of your body masked in a maelstrom of limbs and nipples, as with the beautiful photographs of Ukranian photographer Vadim Stein https://500px.com/stein
Using my own life studies and drawing inspiration from these artists, my thought processes concerning the figurative and linear are, I believe, an attempt to 'make flesh', to translate my life drawings into a more three dimensional format using a combination of methods I can control ie. Silkscreen and Linocuts, combined with those processes I find challenging and unknown, ie. Large scale Projections and textile hangings.

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