Bristol University Botanic Garden Illustrated lecture to the Gardeners of North Devon
Or the story of Alan Titchmarsh and his Ladies wearing Jimmy Cricket Wellingtons... let's paint a flower darling. All things considered it was a successful evening.I was asked to give a Lecture on Botanical Illustration and Bristol University Botanic Gardens to the Combe Martin Gardening Association on Thursday 12th May. Therefore, with my recent redundancy radar twitching, I set off with many preconceived ideas and a spare set of Jimmy Cricket wellingtons.
Dressing for
comfort, not speed….
Gardening is for life, not just for potatoes….
Constable, not Cy
My work with
Bristol University and the Botanic Gardens has been a voluntary affair, which
began with me being asked whilst lying under my sketchbook, amongst some ferns
one sunny Sunday, if I would draw at the Easter Exhibition in the garden in
2012. I have been drawing and exhibiting in the Garden since then and was
artist in residence at the Easter Sculpture Exhibition in 2012 and 2013. I also drew bees at the Bee and Pollination
festival in 2015 and helped illustrate a Cookery book.
The lecture was
an introduction to the Botanic Garden and also an attempt to show what can be
achieved with a pen and paper, whilst sitting on a tree stump or lily pad in
the sunshine, like an enormous beard-free leprechaun.
It was a tough
crowd - Imagine 30 or so people of pensionable age with sandals and stern faces
who knew their ‘Euphorbia sikkimensis’ from their elbow.
On the other
hand, I know nothing of the scientific nature of plants and my fingers are only
green when covered in paint. My love is drawing an unusual or beautiful organic
form. However, the gardeners of North Devon were kind and appeared enthused by
my overview of the Botanic Garden and clapped (if not wildly but audibly above
the hum of the electrically challenged extension lead). I even managed to tempt
the group to a creative ‘masterclass’, drawing and painting flowers from life
whilst waiting for me to judge the ‘Beautiful Blooms’ competition and draw the
raffle. The over-60s can be a pretty scary bunch (bunch geddit?) however, as
you can see from the results, some of the work was excellent, particularly as
some students last held a paintbrush when Elvis actually had a pelvis.
Since my visit
to Combe Martin, I found out that apparently due to my enthusiastic and
entertaining talk, Enormous Rod (6ft 8) has organised a coach trip to the
Bristol Botanic gardens on Wednesday June 8th and I also won the
raffle. Therefore, I can stuff my face with homemade shortbread biscuits as I
write this.
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